Help More Students and Expand Access

June 29, 2021

Student Hybrid Platform, college planning low income, subscription college planning

Our mantra here at 360 Planner is HELP EVERY STUDENT.

It is the principle that guides our business and the goal that motivates us to create new ways to support both college advisers and their clients.

And now, it is at the heart of a new program designed to increase the business base for college planners without increasing their workload. Our goal is for you to never have a family walk away from your services due to cost.

Expanding Access to All

It is a given that college planners perform valuable work for their clients. However, it is also true that a significant segment of the population cannot afford to purchase college planning services. This dilemma has existed since the beginning of the profession – how to aid deserving students without giving away the store?

Our Hybrid Platform is specifically designed to bridge the gap between full college planning services and increasingly stretched high school career center offerings. When you provide your student with a link to sign up, they receive, for a very low monthly subscription, a self-guided program that steers them through the college admissions process. These are your students, so you earn 25% of the monthly subscription price.

This program is part of the 360 Planner platform and can be used by subscribers at no additional cost. If you are happy with your current software but would like to take advantage of this innovative tool, your cost would only be $20.00 a month.

Robust Platform

The Hybrid Platform features key elements from our full-service college planner package:

  • Access Portal: Students and parents each receive their own login. Parents can oversee their student’s progress through assigned tasks.
  • College Search Tool: A comprehensive list of schools that includes the ability to evaluate each institution based on student specified criteria.
  • List Builder: College search results can be filtered into separate lists for evaluation and comparison. Includes the ability to create a final college list.
  • Task Management: Every step of the admissions process is listed in detail for the student. Tasks are populated based upon student grade level and semester during which they join the platform. New tasks are assigned on a rolling 30-day basis.


This new tool cannot replace the individualized attention and full range of services of a college planner, but for students and parents that otherwise would have no guidance, it provides the necessary tools to get through the admissions process, explore colleges, and build a comprehensive list of suitable schools for themselves. Advisers are encouraged to offer add-on services to these students to complement or expand upon the student’s college search efforts, such as college list reviews, webinars, etc.

We are confident that our innovative Hybrid Platform will not only extend college planning capabilities to low-income or disadvantaged students but that it will also help college planners increase their business with very little additional effort. The self-directed platform is a jumping-off point for students, and enterprising advisers can offer individual consultations or group workshops to round out student endeavors.

Please visit our home page to schedule a demonstration or start now! 

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