What You Need To Apply To College

Expert College Planning Guidance In A User-Friendly Platform

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Sign up today and stop worrying! We have everything you need in one easy-to-use college planning platform so you can stay on track through high-school!

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Weekly Detailed Instructions

With 360 Planner:

  • You’ll know what each school is looking for so there are no surprises
  • We show you how to complete all college application requirements
  • We get you ready for college interviews
  • You’ll know what you should be focusing on now, and what you can work on later
  • Following our timeline will ensure you aren’t rushing last minute
  • Much More!
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Powerful College Search Tool

Search for colleges that fit YOU the best by getting access to detailed data that will help you find the perfect school. For example:

  • What are other freshman receiving for financial aid?
  • How much debt will you end up with after four years?
  • If you are an international student, will you be offered financial aid?
  • What is the likelihood you’ll be accepted?
  • How do your scores compare to other freshmen?