College Planning Blog

College AdmissionsJuniorsTiming of College Planning

College Admissions in the Era Post-Pandemic: A 2023 Overview

The COVID-19 pandemic, which began in 2019, dramatically reshaped numerous aspects of life globally, with college admissions being no exception. In the years immediately following the onset of the pandemic, college admissions underwent a sea change in policies, procedures, and priorities. Now, as we venture deeper into 2023, let's reflect on the lasting impacts and how they've evolved.

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College AdmissionsCollege Applications

College Applications: What Part Do Extracurricular Activities Play During a Pandemic?

Every prospective college student understands that extracurricular activities have traditionally played a pivotal role in boosting an applicant’s status in the competition for college admission. Institutions of higher learning are looking for well-rounded individuals, students who are motivated to devote time to pursuits beyond academia. These are the students who represent their colleges well, and who become steadfast alumni.

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college applications, college applications process